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Sensible Woo โœจ Your friendly neighborhood business witch

Are You 1 of the 5 Who Will Talk With Me? โœจSensible Woo


โœจ You Are Your Best System: โ€‹
โ€‹Hey Reader, The Intuitive CEO

Ready to put on your CEO pants? Let's do this!

Scroll for this week's features... ๐Ÿ‘‡

๐Ÿ“บ Sensible Woo TV โ†’ Brain sorting was a big topic with my Voxer coaching peeps last week. M'thinks the 2nd half of the year vibes are in the air! Do you need to get back on track? You should try this exercise to help yourself avoid stalling out. This video is like the MVP of my YouTube library.

๐ŸŽ Your Weekly Offer โ†’ Are you feeling stuck or like you're spinning out as we slide down the 2nd half of the year? Apply for one of the few spots I have this summer in my Voxer coaching container. The application alone will help you solve a bunch of bottlenecks... Yes, I designed it specifically for that purpose and you can do it for free.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Your Weekly Reading โ†’ This week's always-free reading was inspired by the heat wave this past week. What is so hot it needs you to move on it now? Let's do a temperature check so you can get your offers out there with good timing!

๐Ÿค“ You Gotta See This โ†’ Want to know why Notion is the cool kid on the tech block these days? This article gives a pretty good retrospective picture while informing you about the latest developments for this tool that has been successfully dominating my tech stack for almost two years.

๐Ÿ“š Sensible Woo Library โ†’ If you're doing the brain sort like so many of my peeps this week, then you'll probably want to get grounded. This guided meditation is a classic method that I've taught over the years and once you know it, you'll want to use it all the time!

โœจ Promo Cornerโ†’ Speaking of Notion, you should really check it out. I have been methodically thinning out my tech stack (which I will share details about at the end of the summer) thanks to this amazing tool. This week's affiliate link is for Notion AI, which is pretty freakin' cool stuff. #gamechanger

This week's theme is...

Referrals = goodies for *you*!

Want to become a referral master? When you refer 3 or more people to this list, you'll get a shout out here on my newsletter (this spot, right here) so everyone can go visit your website or social media!

๐Ÿ“บ Sensible Woo TV

It has not slipped past my attention that a lot of folks are doing the chicken dance right now. You could blame it on the seemingly-universal heat wave or the brain space that comes from the dog days of summer, but let's give ourselves a strong reality check. Put on your CEO pants and work the problem: It's time to regroup and sort your brain as well as your project plans and to-do lists.

Not only did this topic come up in my Voxer coaching container this week, but the video also serves a dual purpose. I wanted you to see the power of being able to pull from a library of readily available content, which is what I've done this week. After over doing it with healing treatments, I found myself thrown back into another detox flu, so I've been less than 100%. Whatever is an entrepreneur to do? Well, what I do is I pull from all of my best lessons, including this one.

You can learn how to build up this kind of steady foundation (*ahem* it's a form of systems *ahem*) when you apply for your own spot in my Voxer coaching container in the next section, below. In the meantime, learn how to get unstuck and back in a productive place... Click to check it out. โคต๏ธ

video previewโ€‹

๐ŸŽ Your Weekly Offer

Mentor Time With Mary


I'm looking for ONE (1) more client who want to work through a pre-production 30 day process with me!

If that's you... submit your application and tell me more.

Are you one of the special people who will hop into 1-on-1 coaching time with me this summer? Apply through the application link below... and use the application form to simply work through your thoughts. I've built this so that you can already get some coaching benefit without having to sign up for anything with me. I think you're going to love it! ๐Ÿค“

๐Ÿ’ธ Current rates this summer are $497 per month or $997 per quarter.

video previewโ€‹

๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Choose the path to get you moving forward...

  • All About Time: Figure out your personal rhythms and time blocks. Get shit done.
  • Find Your Voice: Get accountability & guidance to publish a weekly free newsletter.
  • Pre-Podcast Production: Don't hit record yet! Figure out your podcast concept & production systems first.
  • Come Out of the Broom Closet: Integrate your spiritual side as part of your offers & marketing.
  • FOMO-Be-Gone: Inventory your courses & memberships to figure out what still has value... and then use them.
  • Just Say "No": An accountablity container so you can clearly define your your goals and reach them.
  • Copy Cat Container: Get my help setting up your own Voxer package, a paid newsletter, or something you've seen me do.
  • Business Friendship: Just like it sounds. If you need someone to simply talk with, this one is for you.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Your Weekly Reading

Tap the image to activate your weekly ritual of working *on* your business, rather than *in* your business...

Have a great week!

Thanks for hanging out with me, Reader ๐Ÿค—

Enjoyed this week's mail?
โ€‹You can buy me a coffee โ˜•๏ธ


โ€‹Website โœจ Instagram โœจ LinkedIn โœจ Podcast โœจ YouTubeโ€‹

Your attention each week is a precious commodity!
Here are the ways to share the love...

๐Ÿ“ฑScreenshot your #1 takeaway & tag me on IG @sensiblewooโ€‹.

๐Ÿ“ฌ Forward this letter to a friend help them subscribe here.

Some fine print...
โ€‹This newsletter, my website, and my social media channels may contain affiliate links to products, programs, or services at any given time. What that means is, if you purchase an item through one of the links in my newsletter or on my website, some or all of the sale monies will be paid to me as a commission. Pretty standard stuff, but l let you know this so you can make your own purchasing decisions.โ€‹

May you manifest all of your intentions...

Starting with manifesting how you want to receive emails:

If it's time to part ways, here's where you can unsubscribe.

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PO Box 872952, Vancouver, WA 98687

Sensible Woo โœจ Your friendly neighborhood business witch

๐Ÿ”ฎ Business is full of magic! ๐Ÿ“ฌ Subscribe for aha-moments, chuckles, & Tarot time... sent weekly!

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